Various email servers have better and worse logging. Depending on the server (qmail, postfix, sendmail) the logs may or may not let you directly correlate an outgoing spam email with the actual account that sent the email.
So, the following can be pretty useful. It collects up all the IP addresses ($13 - the thirteenth field in the logfile, in this particular case) that each user has connected from, and prints out the accounts that are connecting from more than one IP.
awk '/LOGIN,/ {if (index(i[$12], $13) == 0) i[$12]=i[$12] " " $13} END {for(p in i) {print split(i[p], a, " ") " " p " " i[p]}}' maillog|sort -n|grep -v '^1 '
If you see an account for an individual, which is getting connections from dozens or hundreds of IP addresses, that's very possibly a compromised email account.
Note that an end-user with a smartphone will end up with a big bank of IPs connecting to check email. They'll all have similar IP addresses in most cases.